Morgan Map table

It’s a very rare and special client who would leap at the option of a bit of woodwormy walnut.  But then, only someone rare and special would want a glass-topped coffee table made to display a relief map of Switzerland containing a thousand memories of trips taken and experiences had.  The swirls and contours of the walnut’s grain echoed the summits and troughs of the Jura and the Alps.  I nuked the woodworm.

Dimensions – 950 x 719 x 440

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Often, people want a piece of furniture to fit a particular need or space - they've just moved house and their old desk / kitchen table / bed doesn't fit, or they've had a bit of timber knocking about for years which they'd love to have turned into something personal. If you've got a project you want to discuss then email me, and we'll work something out.

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