Chopping boards

Designed to be practical in the kitchen at the same time as looking gorgeous.  Chop your different piles of veg on them, hold the board through the thumb-hole like an artist’s palette and scrape everything into the pan.  The larger size is ideal as a generous-size chopping board and the smaller for bread or cheese, but they can be used interchangeably.

Large 450 x 320mm, small 400 x 268 mm, timber varies according to availability.

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Oak & Sycamore Headboard

The dark oak endgrain tiles in this headboard came off a bonfire.  They had originally held up the roof of an 18th century cider mill and were discarded when renovations were being done.  On the outside they worm-eaten but on the inside, they were still radiant.  Over the decades ammonia has darkened the oak from honey to almost mahogany but left the cellular markings sharp.  I’ve arranged tiles of endgrain against the satiny pallor of sycamore and left its history – splits, wild grain, steel stains – evident.

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Bathroom Cabinets

Once in a while, I have a small amount of really gorgeous wood just waiting around for the right project.  These are bathroom cabinets designed to rest on the floor beside a toilet or a bath and to take all the usual bits and bobs: loo roll, cleaning products, spare toiletries etc.  The first is made from oak and burr oak, the second from lacewood and black walnut.

H520 x L520 x W370mm

Commission similar Commission similar

Oak Workbench

I made this workbench from old oak off-cuts, spare floorboards, unused table legs, a walnut cabinet and a couple of school bench vices before trimming it off with bits of rosewood.  It’s moveable, elegant, practical and beautiful, and it looks like it’s existed forever.   1850 x 840 x 600mm.

Commission similar Commission similar

Often, people want a piece of furniture to fit a particular need or space - they've just moved house and their old desk / kitchen table / bed doesn't fit, or they've had a bit of timber knocking about for years which they'd love to have turned into something personal. If you've got a project you want to discuss then email me, and we'll work something out.

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